Monday, February 17, 2014

I think I will Stop Playing Candy Crush

After reading the paperwork and all of the legal battles one family has gone through for all of the pain and suffering it is amazing that anyone would want to play candy crush again.

You can read the open letter that this game creator for CandySwipe wrote to here

This all boils down to greed and this company has many other games so why pick on the little guy who created his game years before Candy Crush came out?

This man created his game in honor of his late mother and the game clearly says it in the scrolling credits.

This just goes to show how the company/person with the most money always pays off people to get their cases won even when they are in the wrong.

This is making news all over and I am getting ready to take Candy Crush off my phone and remove it from my games on facebook. I will not play a game that the owners actually tried to put a smaller company out of business. The would is big enough for both of your companies.

But that is just my 2 cents on the matter and I am entitles to think on my own and feel the way I do, everyone does and it is OK to disagree on things, just  it is not OK to attack each other personal or professionally.

1 comment:

  1. It's a legal system, rather than a justice system, isn't it?
