Friday, February 14, 2014

Hey all, thanks for having me!

I'm looking for any outlet to write in. So, I am thankful for any opportunity possible. Money is nice, and I have to have it to live of course. And this new blog seems like a good idea. I am glad to join.

What I want to do more than anything though is write stories that many people enjoy. My creativity needs work and the only way is to practice and get feedback. I'll probably start posting parts of short stories I am working on.

Tell me what you guys like to write about? I see a wide variety of posts in the list so far. Other than creative stuff, I like to write a lot about sports, books, and TV shows.

I also write on

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  1. Hey there, glad to have you. You've got quite a few posts to catch up on, lol jk :P But have a nice day (valentine's style) and I look forward to our growth as a group!

  2. Welcome! I hope you will enjoy it here too :)
