Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hello Everyone

I'm basically just starting in this site and had just been writing online for three months only.

Writing had been a passion of mine since I was a child. Unfortunately my passion was only confined in my daily journals and once in a while on school papers. I had been a school journalism adviser for 9 years  and those were wonderful years of teaching, honing and training young journalists to compete in the national level. I miss those days a lot.

I am not following any structure in writing. I write as to how I feel and not what others want me to. I am not claiming to be a professional writer, as I am way far behind of being as such. I am only a writer in my own accord.

Writing and cake making had been my therapy since I was diagnosed with pituitary tumour last 2011. But I had only found out a new avenue in writing online  just recently and to be honest, I'm loving it. I get to be paid doing what I love doing... writing.


  1. Welcome! I look forward to reading your work! /hugs

  2. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this community Eden Jaid ^_^

  3. The rules are very relaxed, so don't be shy. Basically, we are trying to work together to support each other in this often difficult niche. So if there is anything you require, please feel free to suggest it to the community. We all have a voice here.

    1. Will do, thank you. I will try to familiarise myself with things here to be more productive.

  4. It's hard to make a living but all it takes is dedication - what I'm hoping is that I can learn some things from people here so I can get up to my goal per day income.
