Saturday, February 15, 2014

Easy Tips To Make More Money Writing Articles

Writing articles is a lucrative career and many people make a full time living doing so. It can be a rewarding and fulfilling career if you are passionate about it and ready to put in the efforts required for it. There are many advantages of choosing it as a career option, It can help you achieve your financial goals, improve knowledge on various topics and even grow your business. It is important that you have a proper work schedule and stay committed to your job which will help you build a loyal customer base which is the key to being successful in this career.

Here are a few helpful tips for anyone who makes money writing articles or considering getting into it:

1) Write interesting article
The first and probably most important thing to be successful as an article writer is to come up with interesting and engaging articles. It is easier to build and grow your reader base when you regularly write engaging and informative articles. There are thousands of articles published online everyday and you have to offer something different and unique for people to read your work over everyone else.

2) Team Up
You can find and team up with fellow writers as this can often prove to be beneficial for both of you. I have declined client orders in the past because I was busy with other orders but when you team up it would mean more work that can be completed and a larger client base. One more advantage of working in partnership with other writers is that you can learn from each others experience which will help you both grow your career. You can even team up with other people like virtual assistants and proofreaders which expands the type of services you offer.

Writing articles can be one of the most rewarding career if you approach it with a positive mindset. There are a number of ways to increase your income as an article writer but the above discussed tips can certainly help you get things rolling and help you move forward in your way to become a successful writer.


  1. This is required reading for success here at PWG. I can't not stress enough how important it is to view/comment on each other's work. This helps us all and ensures we grow and prosper as a community. We already know how this works. We do it well while making content sites wealthy. Let's do the same here and enrich ourselves!

  2. Great tips. Having a network of fellow article writers is an area my business is weak in. I

  3. Teamwork is really important.So nice of you to share these tips.Its very helpfull.Now I am learning.

  4. Great article and yes teamwork is always good as long as it is not for false page views or false clicks. Read it if you click a persons article.

  5. I think as writers, especially online content writers, we forget about teamwork. We get so distracted by competing for jobs, we miss out on the value of working together.

  6. Ii had never thought about teamwork with articles so this is very helpful to me.

  7. You'd think there'd be more than a few comments here...
