Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cabin Fever or Solitary Confinement?


I am likening this winter to a stretch in solitary confinement. I think the entire state is ready to move.

  • We've begun to talk to the snowflakes - oh no you don't, blow on outta here.
  • We've begun to talk to the snowplows - please, please don't plow in my driveway.
  • We've begun to talk to the big weather guru in the sky - cut us some slack here.
  • We are no longer talking to The Weather Channel, because naming winter snowstorms is just silly.
  • We are no longer making a run to the store before the storm because who can keep up?
  • And we've stopped talking to the family, because well, love ya but time for a little separation.
Fall, I hardly knew ya.

Winter, I know you too well.

Spring... I'm waiting in anticipation.

 image credit: pixabay.com

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