Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brand Spanking New. What Am I Buying Into?

Well now this is interesting.

Eden was kind enough to talk about this blog and then posted a link so I could be invited and accept the invitation. I didn't know it was Blogger, however. I have a blog here myself!

Writing and getting paid for it online seems to have really taken off in the last couple of years. Even a few months ago it was difficult to find a place where you could be paid for writing articles, and now there seems to be a whole plethora of them.

I think what we are seeing is another step forward in the internet world.

Originally the internet was never intended for the average guy. It was a means of making information available within the tech and science communities, but that didn't last long. Complaints began to arise about people who weren't using it in it's pure form, but were posting social items instead! It just grew from there.

Over the years internet use--and ways to use the internet--have grown exponentially, and their is really no end in sight. I doubt very much that people will grow bored with the internet any time soon, because the ways to use it are bound only by one's imagination and the ever-evolving tools with which to manage this computer-generated universe.

As social interaction and ways to make money on the internet increase, what will happen? Probably a continuation of what we see now, which is really just a repeat of enterprise in any new world--some will strike it rich, others will try their whole lives and only make a bit of money, and some will get cheated. Like the immigrants and settlers that gradually created each new land and nation, we have to be careful about who we put our trust in. "Caveat emptor" is a saying that has never gone out of style.

Let the buyer beware, indeed. That goes for, not just the money we pay out for goods and services on the internet, but the concepts and ideas we buy into as well.


  1. As long as there is SOMETHING for me to do to provide me with a creative based income and allows me personal freedom, I will do that thing. I trust Eden, and I am certain that I don't need to beware about this. I think the most untrustworthy site I use is bubblews and they have proven themselves to me, at least.

  2. She is definitely onto the right nerve with her post. And I do appreciate the good faith of my peers. But what we should remember here is that percentage of the revenue generated by what we produce here on this site. 100%. That's a unique site to writer split. Spelled out it means this site gets nadda ep so lottim of your revenue from page views. Like each of you, I am placing my faith in Google and our ability to produce content people want to read and growing our community even if no one reads our rantings but us.

  3. Also, Maxine. Be sure you add labels (keywords)to your posts so Google can categorize it on the search engine.

  4. Welcome, Maxine!
    Intriguing post. I am not sure if you are for it, or against it, but the fact that you are here says SOMETHING, right?
    Welcome to the community!
