If you have identified your field of business, the only thing left is to bring your ideas to ground reality. You only have to make your assessments right. If you wish to be a successful businessman, it is better to speak less and do more because irrelevant speaking will not help your cause. Bring good people with you, make them your permanent associate, sell them your ideas and while doing so give them enough money. Being a miser will not keep them with you for longer time.
You should know about the size of your future venture, because if your assessments are right you hold the key of success. Most of us do not know that loss and profit is part of a balance sheet. You should be prepared to face loses, that is first step towards making profit. Do not trust people having an attitude ‘We are not aware about failure’. People who have never lost know nothing about joy of winning. If you have managed to build up a team that knows the value of work having the potential and ideology along with willingness to reach to the top, you have won half the battle. They will do far better than your expectations or beyond your own capacity.
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