Sunday, February 16, 2014

Are We all from Bubblews?

It is funny, however are most of us coming from Bubblews?

I think that is cool, so we can make money both places and share other places also. Make sure to let us know somewhere your username at bubblews so we can see if your on our connections list.

I really enjoy reading all of your posts here and learning about other writing sites,
I also write over at not often but when I think of a local story, a friend posts there about 20 times a day and for the life of me I do not know how he comes up with this

You can check it out if you wish

So what other places do you all write at that is accepting all types of writers?

I am really trying to branch out with all of my other  articles, however right now sports and local news are what I write mostly about, unless I do a few Spoken Word Poems. Sports has been my thing for the last 6 years.


  1. I am in bubblews too *_*
    I'm just new here, just few days :)

  2. Welcome, I am sure your in my connections at bubblews.. enjoy your time here!

  3. I never knew about allvoices. Looks interesting but I don't think it'd be something I'd join. I think a lot of us are from Bubblews.

  4. Yes, some of the article writing sites I am in require so much and if you do not make a certain amount of views you do not get anything for it, however it does help for syndication and your name to get out and about.

  5. I think a lot of us are on bubblews and your idea of branshing ut is a great one as well as earning in more places, i'm not sure if i'm on your connections, but glad to be :) i think this is a wonderful way to bransh out and wish you the best of luck.

  6. Hey I am newbie here and a bit lost if the flow so I hope im doing it right to copy my articles from bubblews and paste here?
    I am also Psylokce in bubblews.
