Wednesday, February 19, 2014

80 Year Old Shot By Police

After reading this article it makes one wonder why a police man would shoot one person six times?  I was always taught "1 shot, 1 kill."  Six times, however sounds too much for just one person.
Also, it makes one wonder how do these police think they can get away with crimes like this when they have "recordings" and cameras in their vehicles?  If they would be doing their job right, they wouldn't have to worry about getting "busted."  Do you think that police are abusing their power?
I feel that some police over abusing their powers and can even make up false accusations.  Of course there are the judges and attorneys that believe every word that they say.


  1. we keep hearing more and more of this stuff going on

  2. Daniel, yes, there are videos one can see on the internet of cops beating the victims up, shooting and killing innocent people.

    1. This really is a shocking story. Thanks for sharing. You could include a few more details about this interesting story and you would have the 150-word minimum required by PWG.

    2. Thanks Kathryn! I knew there was a word count, but I forgot (am new to this site and finding my way around still.)

  3. I think it's crazy how bad people can really be. It's a shame.
