Friday, March 7, 2014

Women are the Un-Safest in the United States

America is a great democracy, though flawed, yet in a way it allows people to articulate their feelings and desires. this is unheard of in many other countries like say China and worse in the Middle East. Despite this i am afraid that women in America are at the greatest risk than at other places. One would assume with free intermingling of the sexes and freedom of sexual intercourse between consenting adults, crimes against women would be less or negleble. Yet America leads the world in abduction of women for sex and rapes abound. The centre piece of these crimes is the Hispanic and the Black.
The Negro in particular is sexually strong having devolped as per darwins theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. He takes his sexual urges against teh white women who constitute the majority in the USA. rape of white women by blacks is much above the national average of rape in USA. Another point is the spate of abductions and teh police despite riding on Harley's and sporting guns are pretty ineffectual to nab the abductors. Many young white girls have been abducted and mae into sex slaves and the police have not been able to unravel the crimes for many years. this is sad and points to a dangerous lacuna in law and its enforcement.
I have been wondering about crimes against women in the USa. I have visted the USA often and have had excellent relationships with American white girls and women some of whom are friends even now. I jsu cannot fathom why theh should rapes and abductions of white girls be so high in the USA. One must have a look at the American mind. just as guns are an integral part of American culture, perhaps rape and abductions for sex is also in the same genre. Don't agree with me, but have you an answer? Published on my personal blog at Dracula fun

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