Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cross County Awards Night Was This Past Tuesday And Jacob Was Honorable Mention For The Season

The other day, we got a late phone call from the award committee in the county. They apologize, and wanted Jacob to come to the award dinner. You see, that the county determined, what most people in the county knows, that Jacob, is a blossoming star, that represents the county, for future goals, and admiration. They told Jacob, as the youngest runner in the county ever, achieved a mark, that no other 13 year old has accomplished. He ran the mile in 4:09 .They wanted him to get an award, to show the appreciation from the county. They gave him a trophy, and thanked him for doing well, and they also will count on him in the future, to leave a mark for Columbia county for years to come. He was very pleased, when they asked him to come on the stage, and he got a standing ovation, that made hi9m blush. He is not used to the limelight, as he is just running to his best ability, as being a Columbia county citizen. We came home, and the first thing he did, was put his trophy on the center of the wall unit. He is very proud of his accomplishments, but wants to take life as a simple phase, in him growing up. I can't say enough for his sportsmanship, and the quality of his character, by growing up and maturing, and have an all around humbleness, of his greatness.
+Cross county
+Awards night
+Honorable mention


  1. David, you need to cite where this was previously posted along with the date below your article.

  2. Also accredit where the image came from.
