With the finale installment of my Angels of Liberty interview, I have included many links to source material, with regard to Voes lyrical influences, and the massive background of information that is obviously a great passion for him. There are many intriguing topics therein, and I hope people pursue further study of some, at least.
This includes study of paranormal, occult, and higher consciousness, among many others. There are many interesting things to study there! Those not interested in such things may still be intrigued with the music, which is phenomenal and ground breaking in its own right.
To my knowledge, no other band has achieved the genuinely organic sound AoL has through the sole use of electronic music. I see it as a new awakening for music in general, and it is profound to me that it comes from the realms of Goth Rock, and touches Gothic Culture in general.
From out of the darkness comes much light!
Image Credit, Angels of Liberty, 2014
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