Sunday, March 2, 2014

SpecFic Colloquium in Toronto, A Quick Peek- Make that Peak, Mountainous Sojourn into the Sublime

CBC Books - The Book Club - Mark Askwith, Space TV, science fiction 

Mark's interview was a source of inspiration for Christopher Golden, New York Times bestselling author. Between  the two, the Q and A discussion rocketed and then whispered across a few of my favorite concepts (things)- updated in the absence of Mary Poppins.

 Here are samples in quote form:  " What we are afraid of is more important than why we are afraid of it." -Golden in response to Mark.

 "The world is less well defined when you reach into the tangible." -Golden in response to Mark

They also covered, adaptation , a prevalent part of life  beyond survival, but as the essence of quality life and modern civilization (my words and I hope this describes the idea well) It is one I contemplate as well.  The movement from the mundane, a veneer, to  personal apocalyptic or a character catalyst was explored, no spoilers here. This reminded me of Peer Gynt  and the layer effect that pertains to that tearful unraveling associated with onions. :)  It was evident that several different ideas came together in the one work of short stories, "Snowblind".

This book is now on my must read list after, "The Flood"  by Atwood.I was thrilled that the Spec Fic Colloquium attracted the talent of  two giants of the intellect and empathetic along with  Peter Watts,  Wendy Gay Pearson and Liana Kerzner. There were many more presenters but these are the  people that captivated my attention and pushed the boundaries in a direction that fit more precisely with my own ideas, in the broader sense.  I encourage you to go the the website or facebook page for SpecFic Colloquium to form your own opinion. Have fun!

This was an amazing pass time/enrichment  for a Saturday at  Round on Augustus Street. Roman Civilization springs to mind embellished by Arthurian tables.

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