Monday, September 9, 2013

Are We Prepared for the End of the World?

The End is Near... Again
Innovations throughout history have brought about the end of life as we know it and began life anew. As we stand on the brink of a new age are we prepared?
No. I have not gone apocalyptic and will not be donning my billboard to walk the street announcing the "The End Is Near!" But the end of our way of life could, in fact, be nearing the end of its era.
We learned from history that our civilization has evolved as the result of certain innovations that changed the way we lived. These innovations marked the end of an age and the new beginning of another. As progress did its work those that could not adapt found themselves leading the world one day and struggling to survive the next.
Throughout history the innovations that we mark as defining moments are classified as the Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age, Age of invention (Agricutural age), and the Industrial revolution age. Those that mastered the defining innovations of each age rose quickly to dominance over those that could not. And today we are seeing history repeating itself. Today, the face of our civilization is evolving so rapidly that we have three defining and life altering ages materializing at once, Technology age, Information age, and Space age.
Today, the value of human thought is not only a sellable commodity but is the engine that is effectively tolling the bell for the previous Industrial Age. As information is pooled worldwide, transformed into ideas, and molded into technology at an astronomical rate those that still hold on the increasingly outdated Age of Industrialism must adapt or face extinction.
Teenagers are creating applications for our computers, Ipads and smart phones that make our everyday lives more efficient and productive while simultaneously rendering entire production lines obsolete. Eesha Khare and Henry Lin created a supercapacitor that is said to have the ability to charge batteries within seconds, and they haven't even graduated high school. This supercapacitor is wonderful news for those of us spending a small fortune on batteries, but not so good news if your job is on an assembly line making batteries.
Governments and government contractors enjoyed sole access to space for years after innovations in rocket fueled propulsion, before Sir. Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Atlantic looked into the heavens and said, "I want to go there." Today Branson has built an air/spacecraft that can taxi from the surface of the earth and fly to the edge of space and land again. Branson promises that soon, we will be able to make reservations to resort hotels orbiting the earth.
As our economists wrestle to solve the mystery of the collapsing job markets and entire governments are crumbling into economic ruin perhaps they should look to the world around them and ask themselves if the Industrial Age that sustained them so well yesterday will be obsolete tomorrow?
People are dropping out of the job markets. They are more educated, connected and free to share ideas and collaborate in the creation of technology so amazing it hinges on the verge of science fiction. As people find more work opportunities available online they are less reliant upon the typical job market. As more people learn their own ideas, personal talents and ingenuity have value to the world the less they want to work for some one else.

Together, people are quickly bringing in a new age where the typical employer/employee relationship is becoming increasingly outdated. Replacing this outdated business model is a more creative and efficient partnership between talented people and corporations equally invested in their ideas and products. Out with the old and in with the new has been the way of things repeatedly throughout our history as a civilization.
I end this article with an appropriate medieval end to this foreboding prophesy. Lay down the old ways of the previous age and embrace the new. I say, the end is near.... Repent! The value of your ideas and talents are worth more to the world than the burgers you flip!
Previously Posted on

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